Beau Bassin

SOS Children’s Villages supports individual children, young people and families so that they can thrive (photo: SOS Children’s Villages in Mauritius).

Beau Bassin-Rose Hill is the capital of the Lower Plaines Wilhems region of Mauritius and has a population of almost 150 000, making it the country’s third largest city. Living conditions have been steadily improving for the majority of the population, and primary education and health care are freely available to everyone. However, in rural areas life is difficult. Many still struggle to afford basic goods: living costs on the island are very high, as most commodities are imported. Infrastructure tends to be poor and many young people are unemployed after finishing school.

Since 1992, SOS Children’s Villages has been supporting children, young people and families and advocating for their rights in Beau Bassin.

1 in 10
People do not have access to sanitation

High cost of living

While the standard of living in Mauritius and the city of Beau Bassin-Rose Hill is generally quite high, many people in rural areas around the city continue to face a very difficult day-to-day reality. Costs of living tend to be high as most commodities have to be imported to the island, and many people struggle to afford basic goods. Furthermore, infrastructure is less readily available in rural areas: for example, around 1 in 10 people living in rural areas around Beau-Bassin-Rose Hill do not have access to improved sanitation facilities and schools are often far away. This has devastating effects on children.

Of young people in Beau Bassin are unemployed

Youth unemployment is high

In recent years, Mauritius’ production for export has declined. The sugar and textiles industries, which are the main source of income for most families in rural areas, are among the most affected. People have to fall back on farming or fishing, but the income they are able to generate this way is minimal. Many families do not have enough land to provide sufficient food, and soil erosion, droughts and floods pose a threat. Furthermore, unemployment rates have been on the rise in recent years. Most affected are women and young people – youth unemployment in the area is as high as 21 %.

Your support makes a difference for children in Beau Bassin

SOS Children’s Villages works with local partners and communities to offer a wide range of support that is adapted to the local context. We always work in the best interest of the children, young people and families.
Learn at our kindergartens and schools
Children and young people
Grow up in our care
Young people
Are supported on their way to independence
Children in our care spend a lot of time together, often outdoors. Here we can see them looking after plants and flowers (photo: SOS Children’s Villages in Mauritius).

How your support helps in Beau Bassin

Providing quality education
SOS Children’s Villages ensures that children and young people have access to high-quality education. We help them learn and develop in a safe and supportive environment. We train teachers on children’s rights and child-centered learning, so that each child can get the most out of their education. Young children spend time playing and learning at kindergarten. This prepares them for primary school.
Caring for children who cannot live with their families
Some children cannot stay with their families, even with additional support. When this happens, they can find a new home in SOS Children’s Villages. Here the children can build safe and lasting relationships. All the children in our care have access to education and healthcare. Wherever possible, we work closely with the children’s family of origin. If children can return to live with their families, we help them adapt to this change.
Supporting young people to become independent
To help young people become confident and independent, our local team works closely with each young person to develop a plan for their future. We support young people and also help them prepare for the labour market and increase their employment prospects. For example, young people can attend workshops and trainings run by SOS Children’s Villages. They also improve their skills through taking part in different projects with local mentors and businesses.