Children and young people are most vulnerable in humanitarian crises. Those who lack adequate parental care face even greater risks of violence, abuse, exploitation and neglect. Traumatic experiences take a heavy toll on their mental health and can have long-term effects on their development.

With our established global infrastructure, network of partners, we launch humanitarian programmes for children, young people and families who need urgent assistance. Drawing on our long-term presence in the countries and communities where we work, we are well-positioned to understand the needs, identify partners and act quickly. Our focus is always on caring for children and young people without adequate parental care, protecting their rights and keeping families together. 

Our response

We specialise in the protection and care of children and young people, including:

Preventing family separation
  • Strengthening families during emergencies
  • Group activities for child well-being
  • Ensuring children and young people can continue their education
  • Mental Health and Psychosocial Support
  • Protecting children, young people, families and communities through multisector humanitarian assistance (WASH, health and nutrition, safeguarding, food security)
Providing interim alternative care
  • Small Group Homes
  • Kinship Care
  • Foster Families
  • Interim Alternative Care/ Clearing House/ Ambulatory Care within SOS Children's Villages' long-term programs
Recovery, preparedness and resilience building

Our principles

SOS Children’s Villages  provides humanitarian assistance in accordance with international humanitarian law and the Humanitarian Imperative. Our conduct is guided by the principles of humanity, neutrality, impartiality and independence. We hold a Humanitarian Partnership Certificate with DG ECHO, are an official member of the Core Humanitarian Standards (CHS) Alliance and have been CHS certified by the Humanitarian Quality Assurance Initiative (HQAI. 

Learn more about our approach in the SOS Children's Villages Humanitarian Mandate.

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