On 10 March, the social affairs ministers of EU Member States are meeting to discuss the EU’s social agenda for 2014. SOS Children’s Villages calls on the ministers to give priority to tackling child poverty and social exclusion. And we do so in partnership with 20 other European networks, all part of the EU Alliance “Investing in Children”.
Growing up in poverty can have a negative impact on children’s opportunities for the rest of their lives, for instance on employment and social integration. Children in alternative care are amongst the most vulnerable. Poverty is still one of the main reasons why children are separated from their family. Children in alternative care have fewer chances to access affordable and quality services and care. Moreover, it is more likely that they experience exclusion from activities with peers.
Investing in children makes sense – morally economically, socially and politically. It is the only sustainable way of overcoming social and economic inequalities in the long-term in the European Union. Read here the press release of the EU Alliance for Investing in Children.