Featured Partners

We can only accomplish what we do for children, young people and families thanks to the creativity, generosity and commitment of our partners – corporate, government, institutional and individual. Partners, both international and local, support our ongoing running costs as well as our innovative projects.


Corporate partner

M&G plc. is a UK-based savings and investment business that aims to “make the world a little better” through how and where they invest their customers’ savings. Their partnership with SOS Children’s Villages began in 2020 and already spans many countries and programmes; their focus is on the prevention of family breakdown, education and access to the world of work. M&G plc. sponsors the Youth Autonomy Programme in Italy, which provides those on the verge of leaving care with the skills, training and opportunities they need to achieve independence. Around 150 youths per year have so far benefitted from the programme through personalized support, mentoring and work placements. For instance, at “Bottega Contadina,” an organic food shop near the SOS Children’s Village in Saronno, young people are able to take up internships and gain professional experience in preparation for finding a future job. Also in 2020, M&G plc. worked with us to create a cross-border mentoring programme as part of our YouthLinks platform, connecting mentors from the UK company with young people in India and South Africa.


Mentors are a strength on our path. They help us to follow our dreams.


— Care leaver, Italy


Institutional partner

The (German) Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) provides grants to NGOs for international projects implemented by local organizations. They have been one of our institutional partners since 2010 and focus their funding on sustainably improving the economic, social or ecological situation of vulnerable groups, prioritizing the capacity building of local stakeholders. The BMZ-funded “Sustainable Waste Management for the Reduction of Child Rights Violations Project” is based in Bakoteh, at the largest dumpsite in The Gambia. The site lacks a functioning waste management system, is prone to frequent fires and poses dangers to local children in terms of physical safety and hygiene. In partnership with the local city council, the aim is to improve on existing infrastructure, increase the capacities of relevant community and government partners and strengthen a total of 200 affected families through awareness-raising and income-generating activities geared towards self-reliance.


Major donor

Anders Hoen and his wife began their first child sponsorships 20 years ago and today sponsor four children in countries where they have a special connection. “I believe that helping and empowering children is the best way to build capacity in a community and create a long-lasting impact,” he says. Mr. Hoen’s commitment to sustainable development is also central to his professional life. Through his investment advisory company, Argus Management, he has recently made a very generous donation to SOS Children’s Villages in Mali. “The company is pleased to be able to give something back and help now, when the corona crisis is worsening the vulnerable situation for families that are already under pressure.” Funding will go towards a comprehensive renovation project in the children’s village in Socoura, with a special focus on an IT educational facility powered by solar energy. The family strengthening programme in Kita will also receive financial support.





Global consortium

The NetHope platform enables peer-to-peer learning and facilitates relationships between leading international non-profits and innovative corporate technology partners. Since joining in 2010, SOS Children’s Villages has become involved in working groups in areas such as artificial intelligence, connectivity and infrastructure, and data protection, in addition to receiving financial benefits and better access to NetHope partners such as Microsoft and Salesforce. We are also active in regional chapters in Africa, Latin America, Asia and Europe. Despite COVID-19, collaboration continued to work well: the virtual global NetHope Summit in October 2020 was a huge success, with over 1,000 participants worldwide; our regional chapters in Africa succeeded in developing an IT helpdesk chatbot, financed by Microsoft; and finally, we stepped in to co-lead an artificial intelligence working group in order to stay up to date with the most important trends in digitalization.


Global initiative

Children are among those worst affected by the pandemic, yet their voices are often left out of decision-making processes. Last year, we joined other major stakeholders, experts and child rights activists in the #CovidUnder19 initiative, coordinated by Terre des hommes. The goal is to get young voices heard by governments and policymakers, involving children in developing responses to the specific issues they are currently facing. The initiative’s worldwide “Life Under Coronavirus” survey gave 26,000 children, 1,770 of whom were living in alternative care, the chance to share their insights on how COVID-19 affected them in terms of education, family life, safety, violence and more. Queen’s University Belfast led the design and analysis of the survey, directly engaging young people in the process.



Global network

The International Civil Society Centre (ICSCentre) is a leading convener and collaborator for international civil society organizations (ICSOs) who work across environmental, human rights, social justice and humanitarian issues. Founded in 2007, the Centre scans the horizon for opportunities to enable learning and cooperation among such organizations and their stakeholders, assist in developing effective leadership and promote robust accountability to strengthen legitimacy. SOS Children’s Villages joined the Centre in 2010. In 2020, the outbreak of COVID-19 brought about the first virtual exchange of the Solidarity Action Network (SANE). SANE brings together ICSOs and their local partners to support each other when faced with undue threats and challenges to their operations. It provides a unique opportunity for learning and support, with a focus on organizational governance, inclusive decision-making and navigating uncertainty for maximum efficiency.





Global initiative

Decent Jobs for Youth (DJY) is the global initiative to scale up action and impact on youth employment under the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. It promotes partnership, collaboration and coordinated action, grounded in evidence-based solutions. Launched in 2016 with the endorsement of the United Nations Chief Executives Board for Coordination, DJY brings together governments, social partners, youth and civil society, the private sector, and many more partners advancing the vision: a world in which young people everywhere have greater access to decent jobs! SOS Children’s Villages has been an active member since 2017 through our YouthCan! initiative. We work to bring awareness about the unique challenges that children living in alternative care or as part of struggling families face when they enter the job market, and how much this resilient group has to contribute. We highlight the importance of digital access and skills, and provide resources and information about innovative ways to support young people at risk to achieve independence.



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