
SOS Children’s Villages ensures that children grow up with the care, protection and relationships they need to become their strongest selves (photo: SOS Children’s Villages Nepal)

Nepal is a landlocked country in Asia, bordering India and China. It has a population of around 29 million people. The capital is Kathmandu, where 1.4 million people live. In spite of rapid political changes in the past decades, Nepal has retained its diverse culture. Although it was officially declared a secular state in 2006, there is a strong influence from both Hinduism and Buddhism. Agriculture is the mainstay of the economy, providing a livelihood for approximately three quarters of the population. Tourism is an increasingly important source of income and employment.

SOS Children’s Villages has been supporting children and young people without parental care, or at risk of losing it, in Nepal since 1972.

Children are at risk

Nepal has a fairly young population with around 40% under the age of 18. Even though poverty is decreasing overall, two thirds of children are deprived of at least one of seven basic needs. This prevents children from reaching their full potential. Additionally poor water quality continues to put the health of children at risk. This largely affects children living in poverty and children in rural areas. Income loss and increased livelihood concerns due to the global pandemic lead to an increase in early marriages and child labour.
Of children are involved in child labour

Child labour

One in every three children aged 5-17 years in Nepal are engaged in labour, and almost all of them are working under dangerous conditions. Child labour can result in physical and mental harm, and sometimes even death. It can lead to sexual or economic exploitation. In nearly every case, it prevents children from attending school and receiving health care. This restricts their fundamental rights and threatens their futures.

Of drinking water is contaminated with bacteria

Safe drinking water

Poor water quality is a major health and nutrition risk for children. Access to safe drinking water remains unequal with big differences between rural and urban areas, as well as between poor and rich. Poor water and sanitation is the main cause for many infections, such as cholera and other diarrheal diseases. These diseases remain the second leading cause of death for children under the age of five.

Of children under 5 were not registered at birth

Birth registrations

Birth registration is important to safeguard individual rights. Children who are not registered at birth cannot access basic rights and services, such as healthcare. If a child is registered at birth , they.have a legal standing and their rights are protected. If children don’t have their births registered, it can mean that later on in life, they can be made to enter into marriage, the labour market or even military service before the legal age.

Together we can make a difference for children in Nepal

Can stay together
Children and adults
Were supported in the community
Learn at our kindergarten
Medical treatments
Were possible
Grow up in our care
Young people
Are supported on their way to independence
Sending her child to a day-centre makes a big difference for Soba. She needs to work to provide for her family. While the children learn and play at the centre, she can take up a day of labour work, to be able to feed her family (photo: SOS Children’s Villages Nepal).

Let’s keep on protecting children and young people!

Many children have been able to find a safe and secure home. With your help, we can continue to change their lives