All children have the right to care and protection, even when their own family cannot care for them. Our concern is to make sure this care is of the highest possible quality, and to ensure that all children and young people grow up with supportive relationships, a sense of security and belonging, and the same access to opportunities as their peers.

High quality care means services that are tailored to the needs of each individual person, context and situation. It means keeping siblings together as long as it is in their best interests. Quality care encompasses everything from children having a say in the decisions that affect their lives, to caregivers being trained in how to deal with particular needs and backgrounds, such as children or young people who have experienced trauma. It includes the rights of children and young people in care being championed, and extends to the legal protections and support that are in place for young people after they officially “age out” of care.





The transition to adulthood can be a daunting process for all young people, regardless of their home or family situation. Becoming self-reliant means adapting to the loss of support networks, routines and structures; learning how to cope alone with everyday challenges; making your way into the world of work and supporting yourself financially. This can be particularly challenging for young people in alternative care, for whom there are often no structures in place when they leave care at age 18 or even earlier; and for those in families at risk of breaking down, who lack adequate support at home.


We work directly with young people to prepare them for the transition, including:

  • Psychosocial support
  • Vocational and social skills training
  • Collaborating with partners to set up employability initiatives – for example, YouthCan! 
  • Working with governments to improve aftercare provisions worldwide