
SOS Children’s Villages ensures that children grow up with the care, protection and relationships they need to become their strongest selves (photo: SOS Children’s Villages Ghana)

The Republic of Ghana has a population of over 30 million and is a very ethnically diverse country. Ghana has a relatively high rate of economic growth and political stability. The country has taken tremendous steps towards poverty reduction. However, a considerable proportion of Ghanaians still live in poverty, especially in rural areas. Furthermore, many people are affected by HIV/AIDS and cannot afford treatment.

SOS Children’s Villages has been supporting children and young people without parental care, or at risk of losing it, in Ghana since 1974.

Children are at risk

Nearly 40 per cent of Ghana's population is under the age of 14, which means that the challenges in the country, such as poverty, affect many children. In fact, a child is 40 per cent more likely to live in poverty than an adult – more than 3.5 million children in Ghana are poor. Often unable to meet their basic food needs, many children suffer from growth issues. Furthermore, HIV-related deaths leave many children without parental care.
Children in Ghana have lost their parents to HIV/AIDS

Prevalence of HIV/AIDS

While the situation surrounding the HIV/AIDS epidemic is improving, many people still face hardships related to the disease – and children are particularly affected. An overwhelming 26 000 children are living with HIV. And even if not directly affected by the virus, around 220, 000 children have lost parental care due to HIV/AIDS, leaving them particularly vulnerable to poverty, undernourishment and lack of education.

1 in 5
Ghanaian children do not attend primary school

Lack of schooling

About 80 per cent of children do not go to primary school, which means that one of five Ghanaian children are deprived of a basic level of education. With hundreds of thousands of children of primary school age not enrolled, many are illiterate and their future prospects are limited. In addition, although the Ghanaian government has taken steps to ensure gender equality at primary school level, the number of girls who get a secondary education is still low.

Of Ghanaians live in extreme poverty

Rural poverty

Despite Ghana’s recent economic growth, nearly 10% of people are still extremely poor. The poorest groups of the population are mainly small-scale farmers, who have limited access to food that is rich in nutrients or safe drinking water. The growth and development of future generations of children is affected. In fact, due to inadequate nourishment, one child in every five experiences growth issues during the first thousand days of life.

Together we can make a difference for children in Ghana

Can stay together
Learn at our kindergarten
Medical treatments
Were possible
Grow up in our care
Young people
Are supported on their way to independence
Although education is free in Ghana, compulsory items like books, stationary and uniforms make school expensive for households like Christie’s. Her family is among the 1,000 households living in Ghana benefitting from our support. Through this, Christie, and many other children, remain in school. This is the only sure way for them to realize their childhood dreams (photo: SOS Children’s Villages Ghana).

Let’s keep on protecting children and young people!

Many children have been able to find a safe and secure home. With your help, we can continue to change their lives