Children are at risk
In spite of the fact that the United States is considered one of the most prosperous countries in the world, the country's economic system does not provide equal opportunities for all citizens. 1 in 6 children in the US grows up in poverty and experiences high rates of hunger, school drop outs and abuse.
13 million
Children in the US are poor
Child poverty in the United States remains a major problem, disproportionately affecting children from communities of color and from rural areas. The child poverty rate for under-18s is 17%, which is the third highest rate out of all OECD countries. This means that almost 13 million children in the US are impoverished. Children growing up in poverty experience harmful consequences to their health, both in the short- and long-term. They are more likely to miss out on education, lose their home, and lack stability, with dire consequences to their mental health.
Of children from low-income households do not finish high school
Access to quality education has become one of the biggest issues in the US school system. Only 60% of students from low-income households attend schools that offer a full academic curriculum. Furthermore, students from low-income households are seven times more likely to drop out of school. Without a proper education, children and young people struggle to escape the cycle of poverty.
1 in 3
Families are struggling to make ends meet
Family separation
7.4 million families are living below the poverty line in the United States. While financial insecurity is widespread, it’s more prevalent among women and people from communities of colour. 19.5% of Black people living in the US live below the poverty line compared to 8.2% of white people. Poverty is one of the risk factors for unnecessary child-family separation. The more crises families living in fragile situations face, the more their resilience is weakened.
Together we can make a difference for children in the US
Children and young people
Live in foster family care
Children and young people
Are supported in family-like care
(photo: SOS Children’s Villages in the US)