Children are at risk
There are over 600,000 children and young people under the age of 18, accounting for nearly one fifth of the population. About 60% of young people live in rural areas, where the access to basic services and employment opportunities is more limited than in urban centres. Youth unemployment rates exceeds 40% and at least 22% of young people are not in employment, education, or training. This hampers their future prospects and increases the risk that they will live in poverty.
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Children live in poverty
Child poverty
At 16%, unemployment is high in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Consequently, 17% of the population lives in poverty.
Children are disproportionately affected, with around 20% living in poverty.
In addition, approximately 50% of the population are at risk of falling below the poverty line, with 74% of children facing material deprivation. As a result, children in these families live precariously on the margins of society.
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Young children miss out on early education
While access to primary education and secondary education is high, early childhood education is not available to all children.
At 25% preschool enrolment (children aged 3 to 6 years) is the lowest in Europe, with vulnerable children less able to access early education.
Early childhood education can be particularly beneficial for children growing up in poverty. It improves their social and cognitive development, and promotes their social inclusion.
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Children experience violence
More than half of children under 15 experience violent forms of discipline, with 40% subjected to physical punishment and 42% to psychological aggression.
In addition, the country has one of the highest incidence rates of children’s exposure to sexual violence, with 19% of 11-16 years olds having already experienced sexual contact.
The impact of violence on children can be profound, leaving them with a range of both physical and emotional harm.
Together we can make a difference for children in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Are supported in the community
Attend our kindergartens and trainings
Are supported on their way to independence
Dragena is studying social work and also taking part in the Youth Empowerment Enabling Prospects project. With the help of her mentor, she can attend trainings and get individual support to improve her skills. “Young people without parental care, like me, really need this type of concrete support…It helps me see my future more clearly and positively, “says Dragena (photo: K. Ilievska).
Let’s keep on protecting children and young people!
Many children have been able to find a safe and secure home. With your help, we can continue to change their lives