February 25 2004
SOS Children's Village Imzouren in Morocco helps earthquake victims
25/02/2004 - On the night of 24 February, a serious earthquake hit the area around SOS Children's Village Imzouren in the Mediterranean Moroccan province, El Hoceima. According to the latest reports, the number of fatalities is now around 600. SOS Children's Village Imzouren was luckily not directly affected; all the children, mothers and co-workers remained unhurt.
In the immediate vicinity of the SOS Children's Village, the material damage is great, in Imzouren alone, more than 40 houses have collapsed. Immediate aid measures have been introduced by the SOS Children's Village in collaboration with the local authorities.
Families made homeless by the earthquake are being accommodated on the grounds of the SOS Children's Village - in the kindergarten, the SOS Hermann Gmeiner School and the multi-purpose hall. They are provided with basic food and covers which have been made available mainly by local partners (companies) and friends of SOS Children's Villages Morocco. The fact that SOS Children's Villages is very well known in the country has brought about active participation and the speedy supply of both donations in kind and money.