Children are at risk
There are around 18 million children under 17, accounting for 14% of the population of Japan. Around 40,000 children are separated from their families of origin and in need of alternative care, however, more than 80% of these children are placed in institutions. Once there, roughly 1 in 7 will stay for over a decade. Despite the documented harm of institutional environments, systemic challenges and deeply held cultural beliefs among parents and staff create multiple barriers to placing children in family-like care.
1 in 6
Children live in poverty
Child poverty
20 million people, almost 16% of the population, live in poverty. Similarly, poverty affects around 1 in 6 under-18s, equating to almost 3 million children. However, child poverty remained unseen and unadressed for a long time. Children born into poverty are more likely to experience a wide range of physical and mental health challenges as well as facing greater social exclusion that further worsens their prospects and facilitates multigenerational poverty.
Young people are unemployed
Youth unemployment
Japan experiences a low unemployment rate - below 3%. However, young people are twice as likely to face unemployment, affecting almost 5% of 15-24-year-olds. Worse still, many more are disengaged, with 1.5 million not in employment, education, or training (NEET). Young people who are out of work have decreased well-being and greater social isolation. They also lack opportunities to gain and improve their skills, exacerbating employment and socio-economic challenges.
Japan has one of the world's highest suicide rates, which is a leading cause of death for children and young people. In 2020, over 400 school children aged 6-18 died by suicide. Around 1 in 3 cases are due to challenges at home and academic pressure. However, mental health issues are stigmatized, and support systems limited, leaving children and young people feeling isolated, with no one to turn to for support. This may lead to depression, anxiety, and harmful coping strategies such as eating disorders and self-harm.
Together we can make a difference for children in Japan
Children and young people
Grow up in our care
(Symbolic picture)