Children are at risk
Under-18s constitute 19% of the population. Since 1990, the number of children in out-of-home care has increased by over 180%, from 1 in 200 to 1 in 62 children. In 2021, over 17,000 children (almost 2% of all children) were placed in out-of-home care on at least one occasion. Over 12,000 children live in an alternative care setting, with almost 50% of them in residential care. Alarmingly, 1 in 10 foster homes/welfare institutions in Finland has broken the law in respect of the lack of care or mistreatment of children.
1 in 5
Young people are unemployed
Youth unemployment
While Finland has an unemployment rate around 7%, youth experience an unemployment rate around 20%, while 30% are low-income earners. In addition, almost 5% of young people aged 15-24 are not in education, employment, or training, equating to around 50,000 people. Youth unemployment is linked to long-term reductions in wages, increased chances of subsequent periods of unemployment and risk of poverty, as well as poorer physical and mental outcomes in adulthood.
Together we can make a difference for children in Finland
Children and young people
Grow up in our care
(Picture: SOS Children’s Villages in Finland